Drugstore Picks: Foundation "Ok ladies now let's get in foundation...." I've never been prouder of these words that just came out of my...

POWDER. Need it...or skip it??
Drugstore Picks: Powder Love it, or hate it, powder is necessary for many. Some use it for oil-blotting to make sure their face doesn't...

Drugstore Pick: Lips
There seems to be every possible option for lips in a drugstore. Thousands of shades, tons and tons of different brands and...

Drugstore Pick: BLUSH
I live by verrrrry minimal makeup-rules. Rules often get you stuck in a spot that makes it hard to try new things and products which is...

What you need to know right up front: 1. I love the look of lipstick; Dark, light or in-between. 2. I like looking alive. 3. I HATE...

The blush that EVERY girl needs!
Did you know that the second you put your blush on, it starts to disappear? You know what I'm talking about. You apply your full-face at...

Drugstore Pick #10: Bronze-fest, USA
Bronzer applied the wrong way = Jersey Shore Bronzer applied the right way = Thinner cheeks, skinnier nose, lots of dimension. Bronzer is...

Drugstore Pick #8: Powder Tips so you aren't a Powder fool.
I was scarred by powder when I was in High School. Back in the days of non-digital cameras... (YES, I am a dinosaur,) we could only rely...

Drugstore Pick #1: Wet N Wild Mega Last Matte Lip Color
Stop what you're doing. Scrolling? Stop. Eating? Hurry it up. Driving? Pull-over. Or better yet...drive to a drugstore right now. If...