Drugstore Picks: Foundation "Ok ladies now let's get in foundation...." I've never been prouder of these words that just came out of my...

Drugstore Pick: BB Cream
While I LOVE my full coverage foundation 95% of the time, some days I want to give it a break. Don’t get it twisted…I’ll always love it...

OBSESSED!! Foundation Nation Pt. 3: Estee Lauder Double Wear
Estee Lauder Double Wear is easily the one foundation that I’ve had the longest love-affair with. We are talking years. It’s sheer,...

Grandma's Makeup Rule: Debunked!
I can’t tell you HOW many times I’ve shocked people with the tip that I’m about to fill you in on. I’m talking gasps….clutching of the...

Foundation Nation Pt. 2: BB & CC deets
While I LOVE my full coverage foundation 95% of the time, I haven't wanted to use it much for the last week. Don’t get it twisted…I’ll...

Foundation Nation Pt. 1
Foundation is personal. Let’s be real: your complexion takes up like 75% of your face and your face is the first thing people see when...

Drugstore Pick #12: Foundation = My obsession
I lovvvve a good foundation. Like, reeeeeally love it. When I started getting serious about my own makeup, I was SO THANKFUL for a friend...