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Drugstore Pick #14: Skincare matters MOST!

We can talk Makeup all day long. Shoot, I normally do. But without the proper skincare, you run the risk of your makeup always looking "halfway."

Ain't nobody got time for that. Or over-used Youtube lines. Oops.

Anywho.... I posted a few weeks ago about the importance of MOISTURIZING your skin. Read that post, and find a moisturizer that you LOVE. Use it once or twice daily forever and you'll wrinkle a hundred times less. And your skin will look SO much better with foundation or powder on.

Aside from moisturizer, you've gotta find the right face wash and exfoliant for your skin. When a girl tells me she doesn't wash her face at night, I am mystified. I want to ask her questions like this:

"Do you just put new makeup over the old makeup every morning?"

"Are you excited to look like Rose from the Titanic at age 50?"

"Does your pillowcase look like a crime-scene from all the makeup you wear to bed?"

You get the jist. People that DON'T wash their face at night and have normal skin is one of life's greatest mysteries to me. I would look like a zit-covered Pizza-face if I didn't let my skin breathe and slough off the makeup I wear.

TIP: I think it's super important to use an exfoliant at least once a day! Not a hardcore one, but a gentle one like this Aveeno guy. A nice gentle exfoliant will slough off the dead skin cells on your skin, making your makeup and skin look clearer, radiant and flake free. I couldn't live without mine!! FIND ONE YOU LOVE. The beads don't have to be massive or packed with anything specifically, but just using one every day or every other depending on how sensitive your skin is, will greatly improve it's texture and look. Trust.

Went hunting at the Drugstore and found these two goodies: Two totally different products, for different things.

Here's the deets:

1. Aveeno Positively Radiant: Skin brightening daily scrub //$6-9

I LOVE this stuff. It does everything that a good exfoliator should do. GENTLY scrubs, clears up skin's texture and makes your face look clearer and brigther. This product is oil-free, good for any skin type and gentle enough for daily use. I'm obsessed. Seriously I've used it every day for a week. And I swear it works just like my great Philosopy exfoliator which is 3x more expensive.

2. Garnier clean Nourishing Cleansing Oil // $6-8

I've been using cleansing oils for YEARS to fully remove my makeup every night. Since I'm obsessed with long-wear foundations, I have to be super intentional about getting everything off before bed. I for one, DON'T want my pillowcase looking like a crime scene so I lean safely on a good oil. The misconception about Oils is "But I don't want it to make me break out more!" It usually doesn't. Oils are one of the greatest ways to remove EVERYTHING from your skin, letting your skin fully breathe and relax. (I'm doing a BIG post on the Pro's of Cleansing and Moisturizing Oils in the next few weeks. Believe what I say now, but I'll educate you FULLY in a few weeks. :) A huge perk of a cleansing oil is how easily it removes waterproof and water resistant stuff. For all of you girls who feel like your mascara pulls your lashes out all of the time? Here's your answer.

Pair these guys, or something like them, together, and watch your skin's texture and brightness increase QUICK!!

Try them, love it, tag me!


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